Wednesday, April 28, 2010

SDEAS of Deaf Festival

The Deaf Festival for 15years that Deaf community of CSB-SDEAS never give-up for Deaf Festival because we are proud by ourselves and we had experience that we worked hard.

Deaf Festival purpose thats show dance and Deaf community welcome in CSB-SDEAS for Deaf Festival.

Deaf of CSB-SDEAS that we need to promotion other people and difference school thats welcome in CSB-SDEAS for Deaf Festival that Deaf people and Hearing need to become aware about Deaf Culture that we can do our best.

Deaf Festival alway active every Novemeber every of years.

But last year, big celebrate that Deaf Festival continue 15years because we can do our best and relationship other people for Deaf Community even include other hearing people community that we are relationship for Deaf and Hearing Community.

We hope that we support each other for Deaf Festival culture and good oppounity every of years. We never give up our community and work hard.

I experience to learn in COSK2-E for 3rd Term

I enter in Class for COSK2-E last January, 2010. i was first time to introduce my teacher that she is very kind and she is a hearing then i had new of classmate section-B.

So that i felt happy to see our classmate and new teacher also. i learned when my teacher lecture aboout Syllabus for COSK2-E then i felt satisfy and new lessons. Its better for me because i can listen what my teacher lecture.

I felt enjoy when my teacher question us about COSK1-E from 2nd Term so that i tried to remember about it and i can answer everything but my teacher explained us very clearly when i understand because its means very clearly.

I learned that paragraph and what type of paragraph even it made me learned and research the internet about any picture of COSK2-E but i chose my topic even i can do my best when i was with my group that my teacher gave us have a time for research but our research must to relate of COSK2-E lessons.

So that we research the internet then we report about news so that we lecture about W5 and H1 of news but my teacher suggestion us about report of news so that we were aware and improve.

i had to learned about lessons from my teacher taught us about the lessons. i felt satisfy and understand even i still remember about lessons in COSK2-E.

My teacher was right that she explained us about COSK2-E purpose that we need to write and read the book so that we can communication other hearing people.

I learned about COSK2-E from Midterm until Final Term that i had an improve to expression my opinion and concept for caption relate of photo essay that i can understand to visual photo essay when my teacher explained us about photo essay so we still do our project when we arrived in class every tuesday and thursday.

Then we arrive in class today that my teacher explained about little review of COSK2-E that we are ready of FinalTerm today. :-)

Elections for President in the Philippine

Noynoy Aquino will election for his president this 2010 soon. He had an experience that he had many worked of political and he is working of Senate right now.

His mother of Cory Aquino was 11th of President in the Philippine and his young sister of Kris Aquino is a actress also.

Manny Villar will elections of President in the Philippine this 2010 soon. He was working of Senate and he works of president of the Nacionalista Party.

He had an experience that he had many work and helped other people that he loves them also.

Erap Estrada will elections of President in the Philippine this 2010 also. He was half of President last 1998-2000 because he was jail and he wanted to president again for two times.

He was a action and he had experience of his life for president while a ago so that he wanted to president again.

JC De Los Reyes will elections of President in the philippine soon. He works of Senate right now.

He had an experience that he was councilor in Olongapo City that he won of councilor for two times in Olongapao City.

Richard Gordon will electric of President in the Philippine this 2010 also. He works of Senate but he volunteer for vote of the president.

He was Mayor of Olongapo City for three times then he was Chairman in Olongapo. He had experience that he work of Department and he works of Senate right now.

Jamby will electric of President in the Philippine this 2010 soon. She works of Senate.

Madrigal is the head of several foundations that aim to heighten awareness of the plight of street children, and to raise funds for various centers that award school scholarships to the children of the poor.

Gilbert Teodoro will electric of President in the Philippine this 2010. He works House of Representatives right now.
He was working of Congressman, Secretary of National Defense and Presidential bid that he had an experience to work for government.

Bro.Eddie Villanueva will elections of President in the Philippine this 2010 soon. He is a religious but he was lost of president when Gloria won for president in the Philippine while a ago.

He is own of Quality Television (QTV) and he is president of Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation Inc. (JILCF), a Christian school in Bocaue, Bulacan also.

I choose one president in the Philippine

Because he is very good a guy that he had an experience even his mother was president in the Philippine and his young sister is a actress that's why i choose one president of Noynoy for the Philippine soon.

I hope that he will know all and good economic that he will try to research economic in the Philippine so that we will proud of him. He loves people who poor and he will copy his mother's role. Then maybe he knows that here many happen so he will try to avoid any problem in the Philippine.

I choose Mar Roxas for Vice President in the Philippine because he is very kind to people and he cooperation with Noynoy Aquino that they will try to support each other.

His wife is a actress and she helps other people for donate thats why Mar and his wife are very kind so that they are both to support other people who poor.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Deaf Family

They are a family as Deaf. The father’s son was hearing born then he got deaf when he was grew because his mother taught him as long as Deaf but he cant communicate with who hearing because they are a family as Deaf as together in the house also. Then his mother found her son became deaf when he brought in the hospital that’s why he cant hear everything when his parents called him so they understand about him became deaf.

The mother had a problem because hearing people insulted her family about deaf that’s why she was mad at them so she wanted to explained who supervisors about they must to be respect them for a deaf that they cant hear everything and they refuse to use disability when hearing people called deaf “disability” because they are not disability and they are normal human like hearing that’s why deaf and hearing are struggle and fought each other about deaf culture but they are a deaf because they cant hear everything even they are smart. His mother was very mad at hearing people because they were wrong idea and they did not respect them for a deaf that deaf is a natural but hearing people destroy deaf family so that they could respect deaf family and other deaf people also.

Her family became happy if they are good as family as together that’s why they are loving each other but they faith in God that they will be successful in the future so that hearing people became aware about the deaf family but its very good to hear when they are successful means they are smart and normal like hearing people so that hearing and deaf people respect and love each other because they are same normal human. So that her family became happy when the mother was defense with hearing people about the deaf family rights human so that they are relationship as family as life.

Hearing and Deaf community

My member, friends and interpreter are combine our party for our 40years anniversary in our church when some people visited our church for party last Decmeber 19, 2009 because our church was big anniversary but we were happy when hearing joined us for enjoyed that hearing helped us for interpreter so that we were fellowship each other.

We tried to met hearing people in church because we did not experience if we were hearing community so we met hearing people but we were so happy because they did not tease us about deaf but they helped us everything that's why we were so happy and we were new friends with hearing.

We were inform other deaf about hearing so we will join hearing community in church but we are happy and enjoy with them if they invite us for party so we invite them also for party because we are share each other because we are same our human from God's creation reight. We love each other and we are happy each other also.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Philippine Election 2010

I want to president become good responsible for people in Philippine, president will be respect people other country and Philippine also because they are equal their human right but president is must to trust with us about the economic and president will support and help us for hospital and job because we need to good our life so that president will be smart for economic. If government or senate steal money so president must to be strict because money is using for us in Philippine.

Then i hope that president will trust us and God also so that we will not problem about any bad news but i hope that president will give us low foods and fare because we are hard of our life that president is good responsible and trust for us and other people also. So president don't focus other country but president must to focus in Philippine and president must to be serious for life in Philippine.

I choose who for president this 2010.

Noynoy Aquino is very smart that he already studied in Economic for his ex-degree in college from Ateneo because his parents wanted to Noynoy Aquino studied hard but I hope that Noynoy Aquino will never steal the money from country because its not good so I hope that he will support and help other people in Philippine means he allows Deaf community apply job for our life.

Then he will try to do his best means he can support and help for people in Philippine but I want to Noynoy is very kind, smart, good life, support and help other people because we will not problem if Noynoy will be good a president and we will love Noynoy so that he will confess to God when he will good by his work hard for president if he will win but he wull never steal money because he will no trouble for people if we love him and we respect him for his president. I hope that he will be good and copy his mother’s character.

He will willing for president because he is very smart about Economic in Philippine but president is very not easy because he must to be responsible for people in Philippine. So we will proud and good for the president. I want to choose Noynoy because he is very good for his worked and he had an experience.

Noynoy Aquino had an experience that he was travel anyplace in Mindanao, Visaya and Luzon because he will inform his background to people that’s early when people will know what their background before they will choose whose president this 2010. Then Noynoy can follow his mother’s role because she had an experience for her ex-president but maybe, Noynoy’s mother helped him a lot before she died because Nonoy will be president soon so he will be ready and ask God for bless him because our election will come soon on May 10, 2010.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I choose Noynoy Aquino for president in Philippine because he is very good that he had an experience of his worked hard and he had a many of his position for his worked but he graduated for elementary until college in Ateneo. Then he tried to do his best that he is very responsible and he serve for other people. He role like his mother because they are kind and family to helped other people and he studied about Economic for college last 1981 that’s why he match president this 2010.
So I choose him for president in Philippine this 2010.